Black Manifesto! nora chipaumire
THINK, DARN IT. This series will bring together Black women from around the world to discuss the 10 commandments of nora chipaumire’s “Black Manifesto.” nora is a renowned artist, performer, and choreographer whose work challenges and embraces stereotypes of Africa, the Black performing body, art and aesthetics. In this episode, Pawlet Brookes speaks directly to nora about the inspiration for Black Manifesto, the challenges Black women face in arts and media, and where we go from here.
Black Manifesto, the 10 Commandments: Black Women Speak Out, is a 10-part podcast series hosted by nora chipaumire and Pawlet Brookes. Black Manifesto brings together voices of Black women from around the world as a collective conversation, making the invisible visible, and addressing how we work to reshape a new world in which Black women are seen and heard, and a resource for inspiring creativity, learning, and unlearning. Each guest will discuss one commandment from nora’s Black Manifesto, offering their interpretations and insights.