Creolizing Dance in a Global Age


Creolizing Dance in a Global Age brings together key voices for a discourse on the complex relationships between ‘Creolization’ and dance, especially those embodied within the dynamics of Caribbean.  The publication journeys between Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guadeloupe and Diasporic connections to Zimbabwe and the UK.

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Contextualised with a foreword by eminent expert on Caribbean social history and Diaspora studies Verene A Shepherd and with a cover featuring Matisse’s famed Creole Dancer, the publication is a valuable introduction to the concept of creolization and identity politics within a Caribbean construct. The publication also introduces dance practice from L’Antech and Dunham Technique to Gwo Ka.

“The Creolization of dance and music in the French Caribbean reveals the complexities of this geographical location.  It creates an a geographical space going beyond borders, beyond identities rooted in one single place of origin.  This Creolization is in movement, it keeps moving, changing, and creating cosmopolitan sounds and movements…”

– Gladys M Francis


Pawlet Brookes
Marie-Laure Soukaina Edom
Gladys M Francis
L’Antoinette Osunide Stines
Roshini Kempadoo
Patrick Parson
Verene A Shepherd


Cover Image Credit
‘Creole Dancer’ 1950 by Henri Matisse. Musee Matisse, Nice.  Succession H Matisse/DACS 2014 Photographer Francois Fernandez 2011.


Publication Year: 2015
ISBN: (Paperback) 978-0-9926319-1-8
ISBN: (EPub) 978-1-9163965-9-3